Friday, October 17, 2008

3 Months!!!

Despite a gloomy day here in Clemson, it has been an exciting one. For one, Carson and I just returned from making a deposit on our apartment for January!! We are so excited. There were so many options to consider but this place just fit. The decision had us spending a lot of time in prayer and when worries surfaced about making it all happen, God has been showing us that He has it all in control. As hard as it is for me to not worry, it has been wonderful to put it all in God's hands and breathe easy.
I was all bouncing in my seat when we pulled in today make the deposit. The people in the office are so nice and the apartments are only 6 months old so it will be a refreshing change from the ancient on-campus housing. I get giddy just writing about it. Plus it's another exciting reminder that Carson and I are getting ready to start our lives together.
Speaking of the upcoming wedding, it is only 3 months from tomorrow! I can't believe how time is flying. I feel like I haven't been doing much to plan for the wedding lately with school so I had to take some time and make sure I had everything under control this morning.
Back in Orlando, mom is taking care of her list by visiting the wedding venue again today (we go there a lot, but the lady there is really friendly and puts up with us) with the decorators who had some fabulous ideas! I can picture it even being described over the phone and I am so excited how it all seems to be coming together. I know I'm planning it so I should know what to expect but I can wait to see how it all comes together on the day.
Well that's all the exciting news for now as I try to being my feet back down to the ground because life is still happening around me.

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